Sunday 5 July 2015

Excess Baggage/The Message of Dragonfly

This is a photo taken of one of the many beautiful dragonflies at Dalya Life.  Dragonfly's message is about "becoming who you are rather than who you think you are".

With no phone, no internet, no cooking etc  husband Trevor and I soaked up all the healing energies of the sun and a wonderful group of like minded souls with Chris Sell and Carrie Harris at the Heart of Peace Week at  Dalya Life Retreat Centre in Turkey. Links here: Chris Sell Dalya Life Turkey

A process of  unplugging and letting go with inspiring evening meditations, nourishing food and Peace unfolded. Seemingly along with the accumulation of topping up my physical  body with all this nourishment was the message that if we as humans are serious about healing Mother Earth, we have to be more committed to healing and strenghtening our earthly physical body.  I think this is a case of the microcosm and the macrocosm.  How can we expect  Mother Earth to "heal" when our own eartly bodies are clogged and congested?

Sure enough on my return I weighed myself and nearly 2 kilos had crept up on me and I hadn't even taken notice. Challenge and feelings of excitement renewed and deepened a commitment to creating a more honed personal mind/body and the joyous feeling that, as I chip away at the "old heavy" me, I am contributing to something much greater than I

Hopefully we can all rejoice and enjoy taking part in stripping away at our individual and collective human heaviness and Blessing our Earthly Body as a part of Mother Earth.

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