Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Ready to Shine

Even though the last few months has been a time of inner reflection and restoration, there has been much going on, on other levels.  I have had to concentrate on facilitating a specific nurturing "space" to encourage growth for myself and my family, and now the young shoots are visible and waiting for the sun to shine on them. Hoorah! 

I feel there is almost a  frenetic creative activity alongside the rush of Spring, as if it is all striving to arrive together, and I am grateful for the feeling of renewed energy and new horizons that this brings.

I welcome the new opportunities that have opened up as far as the Harmonsing Concerts for Peace are concerned and the "Hint of Fairy Magic" as part of Hexham Book Festival.  I love the randomness of it all which is very far removed from my initial limiting ideas of how I wanted SoundTouch to unfold.

Within all if us is limitless freedom, if only we are open to it.